From rough slice to polished. This piece was a joy to cut! So interesting! It’s from the Katie Mine in NW Queensland, Australia. It is Chrysocolla, Chalcedony, Manganese and likely Common Opal. The first thing I saw in this piece was rock pools so that’s what I have named it. 38 x 45mm it’s the next pendant I’m starting:) #chrysocolla #chalcedony #manganese #commonopal #rockpools #madeinaustralia #australianminerals #australiangems #cabs #handcraftedjewellery #madeintasmania #friendlyheartgems

From rough slice to polished. This piece was a joy to cut! So interesting! It's from the Katie Mine in NW Queensland, Australia. It is Chrysocolla, Chalcedony, Manganese and likely Common Opal. The first thing I saw in this piece was rock pools so that's what I have named it. 38 x 45mm it's the next pendant I'm starting:)