Well after all that motor trouble I still managed to get a couple of sparklies finished for my once a fortnight day @findcollective My favourite cut that reminds me of antique cut diamonds these are Killiecrankie Diamonds/Topaz from Flinders Island Tasmania. If you are in Hobart for the Taste of Tasmania, Find Collective is just over the road in the Salamanca arts Centre. We are a collective of ten jewellery makers who live and create our work in Tasmania! We all take turns working in the shop. Pop in and say hi #tasmania #hobart #jewelleryshop #salamanca #handcraftedjewellery #topaz #killiecrankiediamonds #earrings #silverandrosegold #silver #rosegold #sparkle #madeintasmania

Well after all that motor trouble I still managed to get a couple of sparklies finished for my once a fortnight day @findcollective  My favourite cut that reminds me of antique cut diamonds these are Killiecrankie Diamonds/Topaz from Flinders Island Tasmania. If you are in Hobart for the Taste of Tasmania, Find Collective is just over the road in the Salamanca arts Centre. We are a collective of ten jewellery makers who live and create our work in Tasmania!  We all take turns working in the shop. Pop in and say hi