Remember this one? Well it’s all finished and now displayed @findcollective in Salamanca Arts Centre Hobart. I wanted it really dark and the finish came out better than I’d hoped! The bigger stone is Queensland White Topaz with a special Needle inclusion. Swipe to see it magnified through a loupe. An absolutely stunning cut I would have liked to set in a ring but it was way to deep which would mean it would sit really high off the finger. Although I managed to make this pendant look quite low profile with that stepped edge. The small stone is of course a Tasmanian Killiecrankie Diamond/Topaz. Totally Sterling Silver with my full set of hallmarks on the back #australiangemstones #australianminerals #minerals #needleinclusion #silver #pendant #handcrafted #jewellery #madeintasmania #australianmade #topaz #whitetopaz #sparkle #gemstonelover