So guess who got the job of decorating the shop @findcollective in @salamancaartscentre #hobart!! Totally in my Dark Mofo element! I got to fit out a whole cabinet of curiosities style display with a few pieces made by each of our ten FIND members! I felt really privileged to be given this job especially as I love Dark MOFO and the life it has brought to our long cold Tasmanian Winter. It’s so awesome to see Hobart come alive with red lights and feasts and Arts in celebration of this amazing event! Come in and have a look at the offerings of our ten jewellery makers plus two guest makers! An amazing collection of work by passionate creative handcrafters! #handcraftedjewellery #darkmofo2019 #paintthetownred #winter #winterintasmania #thedarkside #mydarkside #skulls #jewellery #rings #bangles #earrings #necklace #handcrafted #tasmania #hobart #cabinetofcuriosities @findcollective