I’m up late procrastinating in the studio and in between that I’ve actually been working?Been quite productive surprisingly! Decided to answer some messages which in turn got me to look through all my stones and get lost in la la land…. meanwhile my wood heater has nearly gone out three times and now I’m taking photos of things like this pretty natural pale pink Australian Zircon I have no intention of setting in the near future because I have to finish all my other jobs? but its really pretty isn’t it! #pink #pretty #australiangemstones #zircon #pinkzircon #procrastinating

I’m up late procrastinating in the studio and in between that I’ve actually been working?Been quite productive surprisingly! Decided to answer some messages which in turn got me to look through all my stones and get lost in la la land.... meanwhile my wood heater has nearly gone out three times and now I’m taking photos of things like this pretty  natural pale pink Australian Zircon I have no intention of setting in the near future because I have to finish all my other jobs? but its really pretty isn’t it!