Well school for Tasmania started back Wednesday and my little girl started high school for the first time! I’m a proud mum! So I’m two days and two nights into my creative month I promised myself before I start any new commissions! I’m hoping to replenish my galleries with lots of new treasures! I have parts of pieces I started last year and have started way too many new bits and pieces. My brain is working much faster with ideas than I can physically make things so I’m getting all the ideas at least started but they’re going to take a long time to finish. I can’t believe how much metal I’ve chewed through already! Hope I can stay really motivated! I also have my second job two days a week so I’m always burning the candles at both ends but seem to be achieving lots and it’s so rewarding! Stay tuned as I hopefully drip feed instagram with new works as I finish them #worksinprogress #burningthecandleatbothends #handcraftedjewellery #madeintasmania #handcrafted #jewellery #rings #madewithlove #daylesford #hobart #salamanca #brunyisland @theempressandwolf @brunyislandartuntamed @findcollective @laurenharrisjewellery