Last night I decided celebrate finishing my last custom orders for the year?? Thanks to everyone who makes my career possible!! From my family who sometimes never sees me, giving me the much needed time to create! My galleries for all their amazing support and for connecting happy customers with their new piece of jewellery! Thanking my clients who have given me full artists freedom to custom make their very special pieces and all my customers and followers through my galleries, social media, my website and word of mouth for supporting me through their purchases and all the amazing feedback they give!! It makes me so happy to have a career that means I get to create things that make other people happy ️️️ now I’m off to finish some of my new creations to get to you over Christmas and the new year, stay tuned……… #thankyou #️ #handcraftedjewellery #handcrafted #givingmyselfapatontheback #cheers #jansz #goldandsilversmith #madeintasmania #solocelebration