This is the finished result of a ring I showed in the making a few posts down. The peridot is so beautifully vibrant and I set it off with a tiny green diamond. The settings and the finer details are rich 18ct Yellow gold with a chunky free formed sterling silver band and spirals. This ring reminds me of the sea and it’s creatures. This one is on display at Art Untamed, Dennes Point Bruny Island Tasmania # #peridot #green #seacreatures #underwater #rings #handcrafted #oneoff #handcraftedjewellery #australianjeweller #madeintasmania #brunyisland

This is the finished result of a ring I showed in the making a few posts down. The peridot is so beautifully vibrant and I set it off with a tiny green diamond. The settings and the finer details are rich 18ct Yellow gold with a chunky free formed sterling silver band and spirals. This ring reminds me of the sea and it’s creatures. This one is on display at Art Untamed, Dennes Point Bruny Island Tasmania