So on Friday I also finished this lovely chunky silver Killiecrankie Diamond/Topaz ring. It’s the one with the lovely inclusions a few posts back, I’ve included those photos here. They didn’t show up photos since after I had the stone. In real life you can only just see them if you look really hard. I think they’ll show up more as the ring ages and the silver setting interior dulls a bit. Awesome stone. A bit irregular in shape but I tried to get the setting to look as symmetrical as I could. The setting part is slightly tapered with a high polish and light texture just around the rim of the stone. This ties in well with the tool marked band. Totally silver. I didn’t feel the desire to ad any gold to this one. It’s beautifully bright, white and pure The stone is completely colourless but you can see a lot of colour reflections in the pics. Enjoy!! #white #bright #pure #handcraftedjewellery #handcrafted #ring #rings #silver #chunky #killiecrankie #madeintasmania #madeintasmaniajewellery #uniquejewellery #australianstones

So on Friday I also finished this lovely chunky silver Killiecrankie Diamond/Topaz ring. It’s the one with the lovely inclusions a few posts back, I’ve included those photos here. They didn’t show up photos since  after I had the stone. In real life you can only just see them if you look really hard. I think they’ll show up more as the ring ages and the silver setting interior dulls a bit. Awesome stone. A bit irregular in shape but I tried to get the setting to look as symmetrical as I could. The setting part is slightly tapered with a high polish and light texture just around the rim of the stone. This ties in well with the tool marked band. Totally silver. I didn’t feel the desire to ad any gold to this one. It’s beautifully bright, white and pure The stone is completely colourless but you can see a lot of colour reflections in the pics. Enjoy!!